
Make a kubernetes cluster that will make sure your wordpress installatio conforms to High Availability by means of services.

Why kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized applications and services that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. Kubernetes provides a platform to configure, automate, and manage:

  • Intelligent and balanced scheduling of containers
  • Creation, deletion, and movement of containers
  • Easy scaling of containers
  • Monitoring and self-healing abilities

Major compnies use Kubernetes to achieve their goals, on of those companies is Faceit, a major esports company providing high performance servers for competitive online games like CSGO. Read more about how they use Kubernetes here.


  • If any service crashes in a docker image, you must make sure it gets replaced accordingly, you can do this by looking into:
    1. Supervisor which provides you with powerful configuration options to make sure that your docker image will exit if a service stops responding.
    2. Health checks which provide you with a very easy way to check if your service is still up and running.
  • All docker images MUST be build manually. No including of external images.
  • Everything must be up and running and persist when needed. This includes, but is not limited to: your wordpress wp-content folder, your FTPS data, the influxdb data file, the grafana database with settings, and the mysql data file.

Getting started

Because you can’t use an Elastic Block Store service on the iMacs at school, you will require some sort of a VM to provide support for this. One of such solutions is Minikube. This tool is 100% recommended for setting up your Kubernetes cluster.

The kubernetes documentation is not that good but it will get you a long way if you want to get started, so its definitely recommended to get a bit of information about it. After that you might want to get started with installing wordpress followed with the installation of influxdb, grafana and telegraf.