
This will be your first project with Docker. Docker is a way of creating pre-configured virtual machine images that can launch instantly. Docker these days is used across the globe by many large corporations (Microsoft, Google and Amazon to name a few).

Why docker?

There are 2 main reasons why someone would use docker images:

  1. Imagine you have a software company and everyone uses their own Linux distribution or simply a different OS like Mac or Windows, this means that the code might work on their computer, but not on a production server. Docker was made to unify the developer experience, so that the code will work no matter on which operating system you are.
  2. Docker images start up really fast, and big corporations usually have thousands of servers, so quickly updating your software becomes quite a hassle. Therefore they use Docker images to run their code, as it allows them turn them off, download a new one, and run it again. This is also known as rolling updates. Because of this sole reason, they can more easily add servers and deploy their software to them, as it just needs to download a tiny image and run it, after which it will work accordingly.

A very thorough video

Image splashscreen


Now that you know the usecase for Docker, you must start your project. There are a few requirements that are not listed in the subject that you should know of:

  • Your Docker container must configure / download / install all the services when you run the docker build command, you ought not configure ANY services or change ANY files after using docker run as this mitigates the entire point of Docker.
  • This means wordpress MUST be installed during docker build and not by means of wp_setup.php after running your container.
  • Wordpress should work in its entirety, make sure you check for mail posting / uploading files / uploading themes / installing themes / creating blog posts / installing modules. You should also verify whether you have the correct php extensions installed.
  • PHPMyAdmin should work in its entirty, so make sure you can create a database, download a database, create users, remove users, update tables, etc.
  • Make sure you have the CORRECT file permissions across your system. This is INSANELY important as it is the main thing that can guarantee that your docker container will not become the victim of e.g. remote code execution.

Getting started

Now that you know what to do, you can get started on Docker. I recommend to use the following guides / resources: